Saturday, 29 July 2017


Hey Woozens! Have you seen any mysterious coolers popping up around Woozworld lately? Tapping on these coolers as quick as you can can win you fashionable summer prizes.

Celestial Model MidgetJenni

Above, our model is wearing Jaqueline hair, Solid FestiFab Halter, and the beige fan hand accessory. She got all 3 of those items from coolers. She paired her findings with Distressed BlosSummer shorts and Sunslay booties (a great choice, in my opinion.)

If you just can't manage to tap fast enough for a prize, or simply can't be bothered. Coolers are now in Shopz and can be bought with wooz.
So get tapping woozens and good luck to all of you!

~Celestial Modeling~